The Elite Assistant Training

The 4 Secrets Explained...


Created by Barron's Top 100 Advisor, Erin Botsford

Give Me 5 Months, and I’ll Give You the Exact Blueprint for Building a Multi-Million Dollar Financial Planning Firm
As seen on
Erin Botsford has trained and is endorsed by dozens of financial brokerages
As seen on
I started out with nothing.
No client list. No referrals. No reputation. No experience starting or running a business. No mentors.
Maybe even a lot like you.
I struggled. I remember what it was like working seven days a week for years, burning out, and wondering if it was all worth it. And then putting my nose back to the grindstone and doing it all over again. 
I didn’t take a day off or a vacation for the first seven years! 
In complete frustration, I signed up for as many sales training programs and courses I could get my hands on.  I needed to close faster so I could close more, build my AUM and make money for my family.
I can't lie – I learned a few things that helped me get more prospects to say yes, but it wasn't enough.
I needed them to see the benefit of working with me sooner, rather than later during the follow-up process.
I was trying to build my business, but there simply weren't enough hours in the day to prospect, follow-up, close, market, and still make time for my family.
I felt lost in my business, and I didn’t know how much longer I could keep up 7-day work weeks. I didn’t know how much longer my husband and son could keep it up either. We were all suffering.
My business was consuming my life instead of delivering the life I imagined. 

Have you ever felt like that?
Let me ask, does any of this sound like you?
  • You’re a financial advisor and you’ve been in the industry a couple of years or more now and you’re starting to build a team. You want more — you just don’t know how to get there, and you’ve been stuck at the same level of production for too long. You work harder and harder...only to achieve the same results. 
  • You’re making progress with your team but just not sure how to train them properly so they can be at their best. You feel like you’re on a blind-leading-the-blind hamster wheel and you don’t know how to get off.
  • You look at other advisors' teams who seem to gel and work smoothly together and you feel a little unaccomplished. Why are you the only one who can’t seem to figure it out?
I’m here to tell that you’re NOT the only one who can’t figure it out. There are a lot of financial advisors who are smart, hard working people... People who SHOULD be top producers running seven-figure businesses of their own, but who are stuck at a figure that is way below what they know they’re capable of.

The reason is this: many well-meaning consultants are teaching "classroom" ideas. Some haven't even built a team and some ideas are terribly outdated and using general, unproven techniques that just won't work.
Getting your assistant trained to top-tier status involves modeling a top-tier assistant with a proven track record. 

The training for a success team member is different than general employee training. This position is ultra important and way to critical to leave to chance or fate.

How then, do you develop a top-notch assistant team member who knows what to do and how to do it? 

That's what I cover in the Team Member Training Course!
You wonder, "What is the recipe for MY team & firm success?"
Imagine Having Everything You Need to Train Your Office Admin or Assistant to Top-Tier Status!
Imagine you have the exact blueprint that built a Barron's Top 100 firm.

Imagine your team running on all cylinders like a well-tuned race-car engine. 

Imagine seeing YOUR name in a magazine as one of the fastest growing financial advisory firms in the country.

Imagine having your team all figured out — finally. And having confidence in them to lead a predictable performance of your business, your future, and yourself.

How exhilarating would that be?

It’s indescribable. It’s where I lived for the last 15 years before I sold my business and decided to teach advisors EXACTLY how to get the results they’ve been dreaming of…
Hi, My Name Is 
I spent 30 years running my financial services business and got to the top of the heap, building it into a Barron’s Top 100 firm.

But it took a long time to get there. I spent a whopping 15 years in business coaching, trying to figure it out because I told myself if I couldn’t figure out how to stop working 7-day work weeks, I was going to quit and go get a job.

But even with all that coaching, I still had to figure all of it out by myself, because none of it was put together into a cohesive picture with a clear end goal in mind. My coach would tell me I needed systems and processes but then I’d have to figure out what that meant and how to create them. I was told I needed to hire staff but I had no idea where to look, who to hire, or how to compensate them to get the best return on my investment.

Eventually, through trial and error, I figured it out and sold my company in 2017 after 30 years for a multiple even I couldn’t believe!  
The reason I was able to get such a great price is that my buyer KNEW I had built a viable business entity that conducted meetings unlike any other financial services firm, and I trained my entire team to follow that model. My business grew AUM faster than any of my competitors because we had a secret formula for training all our admin staff how to function at their max capabilities!.

Which leads me to why you and I are here...

I thought it would be a crying shame to waste 30 years of knowledge going from the bottom to the top and not share that with anybody. 

And I knew there was a need for training to help financial advisors learn to lead their admin staff to top success. 

So I decided to share my best ideas and one of my best admins that helped me build our top-100 firm; Jennifer.

And that's why Jennifer and I recorded this course with you in mind...
You see, we have this overarching problem in our industry that I would like to solve:
 how do you train and delegate to your assistant so they perform like clockwork...doing all the non-sales functions of your business so well...that you can completely focus on growing the business?
Everything You’ll Learn to Train Your Assistant or Office Admin Staff 
into Rockstar Team Members
(Which Will in Turn...Maximize Your Firm's Success)
  • Jennifer and I together created a step-by-step online course where we’ll show you the     inner training secrets that built my Barron’s Top 100 team. 
  • We'll dive into the specific strategies and procedures that we used to build up our people into independent, focused employees.
  • When you have this in place, you get the financial rewards, by building and growing            the firm while your team handles the day-to-day operations with efficiency!

Here's what one admin shared with me...

 Paige P. of Canada said...
 “I would highly recommend the Elite Assistant course. Erin and Jennifer Mann do an amazing job of sharing their best ideas and systems that have contributed to their success. Our team is currently in the process of adding these systems to our practice and we are confident they will help catapult our business to the next level. Erin’s depth of experience is an invaluable resource and to be able to learn from her was a privilege.”

Here’s everything I’ll teach you and your team:
There are 5 modules of step-by-step, proven info that will change the way you work as a team
and show you the exact methods I used to let them excel at their positions!
Let me show you what's all inside...
The Elite Advisor “TEAM MEMBER” – 
The Exact Blueprint To Achieve Rockstart Status
Plus, Bonus #1 Video by Jennifer called 
"General RULES OF THE ROAD for being your BEST SELF in THIS – or ANY Role!"

Bonus #2 Course
Because I believe so strongly in having the 'Mindset of Achievement', I'm going to give you immediate access to a 2nd Elite Advisor Course...The Elite Mindset Course
The info in this course is what changed it all around for me. Remember, I started with nothing and no advantages. This one thing was my turning point. Once I discovered and implemented a new way of thinking, everything changed!
I want to share this with you as well...I want to help you overcome any mental hurdles and break through any ceiling of complexity you may have me...this is key! 
Here’s everything I’ll teach you to Master Your Mindset
Let me show you what's all inside...
BONUS COURSE: Elite Advisor Mindset – How Mastering Your Mindset Will Catapult You to the Next Level
Assistant Melissa K. said...
“Your Elite Assistant/Team Member training program 
was a real game changer for us.”

You'll find out why she said that in
the elite Team Member Training Course!

Seriously, ask yourself, what top 100-producer in the nation
will open their entire training book and show you EVERYTHING?

Let's review everything you'll get in the Team Member Training Package
from a Barron’s Top 100 producer, 
(someone who has actually achieved the highest level of success), 
consider the value of everything you get: 
Immediate online access to the TEAM MEMBER  video-based course work listed above – so you can watch and learn all my training and growing strategies from me whenever and wherever you want (over 3 hours of unique recordings in this course).
$995 value
You get all my written transcripts and PowerPoint slides so you can print these out and read them at night or on your next airplane flight and MP3 audio tracks – so you can listen while driving in your car, commuting on the train or anytime...that's what I do.
$295 value
Immediate online access to the Elite Mindset Bonus Course video-based work listed above – so you can watch and learn all my best Business Success Achievement techniques from me whenever and wherever you want (over 3 hours of unique recordings in this course).
$695 value
Immediate online access to all the tips of one of my best admins; Jennifer. Plus all our templates, checklists and resources – so you can use and apply my materials to your business right away. These are all ready-to-use, 'model-me' resources saving you tons of time. Just copy me! 
$295 value
Total market value
I know I could easily charge significantly more for this program. My motivation is focused on getting you to put this into action and getting your business to seven figures and beyond and giving 50% of my profits to fund my orphanage in Zambia. And if I priced this training package at the $5k or more that it is worth, 
then less advisors would be able to access this game-changing blueprint. 

FYI: One Broker-Dealer Exec told me that I should be charging $5,000 for this one course!

So I’m doing this instead:
Get started NOW for only one payment of $795
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